Sunday 29 April 2012

Should I move in with my boyfriend?

Moving in with a boyfriend, before you have the security of a wedding ring on your finger, is, in my opinion, just about the dumbest thing a women can do. She gives up so much and receives so little in return. Here are some points to ponder, before you leap from the frying pan, (the heat of infatuation which you believe to be true, everlasting love), into the fiery furnace of shared living accommodations.

What if you're wrong? Women are notorious for being overly emotional and this handsome creature which you believe to your one-and-only soul mate today, could turn out to be Dr. Frankenstein tomorrow. Admit it: it's easy to make a mistake during the glow of an early romance. Moving in is a lot easier than moving out.

What if Mr. Right comes along while you're shacked up with Dr. Frankenstein? When Mr. Right finds out your living arrangements, he'll probably keep right on going.

You'll have many of the responsibilities of marriage, but few of the advantages. You'll end up doing most of the cooking, cleaning, and washing, despite what he promises ahead of time. Guys usually aren't that into housekeeping. He may not even notice the chores that need attending to.

And what will you be getting in return for sharing accommodations (and everything else) with Mr. Wonderful? You'll have sex whenever you want it, of course, even sometimes when you'd rather not. It's difficult to decline when he can follow you around like a neglected puppy dog.

You'll only get to watch half of the shows you like on T.V. You can only have your girlfriends over when he agrees, or on evenings when he's out. There'll be fewer tell-all, heart-to-heart phone conferences with these girlfriends, because other ears will be listening in.

You will be obliged to ask him before making plans, as he should consult you. What you are giving up is your personal freedom, and that, whether you realize it or not, is a significant sacrifice. Within the framework of marriage, when you are working on building a future together, that sacrifice is worthwhile. In a temporary, only partially-committed situation, it can be irritating, even infuriating to both of you.

When you do have a disagreement, you won't be able to get away by yourself to get over it. Where can you go? You chose to live with him.

He will not be able to go home, get all spiffied up and return to your door with flowers in
his hand and an apology on his lips. Now, he has you where he wants you, right under his thumb. If you make things difficult or uncomfortable for him, all he has to do is tell you to leave. And you'll have no recourse, legal or otherwise, to which to appeal.

Think carefully, my dear, before you decide to move in with a boyfriend. You have everything to lose and nothing to gain. All the advantages are his. As the old adage asks: Why should he buy the cow, when he can get the milk for free? Any woman who is foolish to take on the commitments and responsibilities of marriage without the protection and security of actually having gone through the legal ceremony, deserves what she gets. And, sometimes the results can be very unpleasant.

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